Friday, July 31, 2009

Ok Sis, this is it. The soup Ian made for me the other night. So...when I say, "I had "chicken soup" I'm refering to this... As you can see, it's not your run of the mill "Chicken Noodle." He roasts the chicken the night before seasoned with salt and soy sauce. He doesn't use chicken stock. He just uses plain water, then he adds frozen supermarket corn, onions, tomatos cut in cubes and frozen broccoli. A bit of salt. Then he adds that ancient five thousand year old secret called soy sauce. Whatever else he finds the in fridge. Fish eyes. Eye of Newt. Whatever. About the last thing to go in is shredded chicken cubes. And then East meets French. He adds cheese. Cheddar, Mexican Monterrey Jack. If not available, Italian Provolone is fine too. Then he cracks two eggs onto a plate and poaches the eggs. When done, the chicken and vegetables go into a big soup plate, the eggs go on top, the broth goes on, and then... more cheese. The serving size can feed a village. Pottery Barn great white collection. He uses the dinner plate for soup, not the cereal bowl. Imagine a standard dinner plate. Now double the size. Its not a diet soup :) I think Ian should open his own soup shop on Ninth Avenue in NYC. Instead of Soup Nazi, he can be Mao Tse Tung Soup. Your secret is out Ian.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Mom, can I have a snack?"

What? Didn't you just eat? Ian, did Mitchell just ask those folks barbecuing for a snack? LOL!

Mitchell, our growing boy.

A friend asked, "What are you listening to?" Tony Bennett's MTV Unplugged. Timeless Tony Bennett. Standards, great music to relax to.

There are many things I like about living in Connecticut, but one of the things I like most is living by a beach. Is it Hawaii? No, not quite. The water is cold and yes, the sand isn't the soft white sand of Hawaii or Florida, but it's sand. I was recently on the beach, when I overheard two ladies complaining about the sand. I thought, "Hey, at least we have sand. Geesh..." And what a treat to watch the 4th of July fireworks on the beach.

So today, my husband (Ian) took the day off. A very rare occurence these days. He spent most of that day running errands. Taking the car in for emissions, etc.. He looked so ragged from all the running around. Our boys M&m go to summer school and don't get much of a break either. 5:00 pm, we headed to the beach for a little beach siesta. It is my favorite time to go to the beach. It's not crowded. The sun is not as strong. There's a nice breeze. And the sailing class is going on, so there's a view of all the little white sailboats. Just a lovely way to end the day.

You are allowed to barbecue on the beach. So around 5:00 pm. people will often have a barbeque or picnic on the beach. It smells so good, and usually gets our teenager's attention.

I have never barbequed on the beach, although I have fantasized about it. I just can't be bothered, but I do try to remember to bring some money for the snack bar (they won't take your debit card, folks). Yes, I have asked. :P The snack bar is a little pricey, but pretty good. The hotdogs are a big hit with my boys. But I just heard that the American Cancer Society just placed a warning that hotdogs cause cancer? Looks like I'll be packing a picnic from now on. Anyway, besides selling cancer inducing hotdogs, the snack bar also sells pails and shovels, lotion etc...

I recently asked Ian, "Maybe we should take a little get away to Maine or the Hamptons?" He scanned the beach and said, "Why? It's the same beach here. The beaches in the Hamptons are filthy and people are disgusting" Hum.. Ian's very jaded when it comes to beautiful beaches and pretentious people. He grew up in the Pacific, and he a cynical and isn't easily impressed. I put my headphones back on and dose back off into la la land. Ahhhhh.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ok...I have died and gone to heaven. Someone pinch me already.

Two of my favorite things on earth are right next to one another in Newtown, CT. One is my new favorite place to find treasures called, "McGeorgi's Antiques & Consignments." And the place next door is, "The Blue Z Coffeehouse." OMG! This is not your run of the mill Starbucks. This is damn good Latte with a SoNo feel. But let me back up a little here.

My son Mitchell, is in the Pegasus program (theraputic horseback riding), and every Thursday (in the summer months) he helps out at a farm in Newtown, CT. Well, this Thursday we had quite a downpour. I decided to pull over (due to the non-visual from the buckets of rain). Anyway, the eagle landed in front of 127 S. Main Street in Newtown, CT.

Mitchell and I ran from our car and duck duck goosed into "The Blue Z Coffee House." What a charming place. We were greeted with the soft strum of a guitar and a pleasant, "Hello." The walls are a warm color with a gallery hanging from a fabulous artist. I ordered a Latte, which I dressed up with a little sugar and cinnamon from the generous coffee bar. Mitchell ordered the most wonderful carrot cake, which resembled a woopie pie (two pieces of moist carrot cake with cream chese in the middle). I had to arm restle him for a bite. It was so good, that I debated a, "Quick Mitchell, what's that?! Then a quick shove of the carrot cake in my mouth." No...I gave it back.

When Mitchell got up to check out the bathroom, I checked out the cool funky jewelry. When Mitchell returned, he informed me that the bathroom was "very nice. loads of magazines and art." Alright...a nice bathroom, is a good sign. Anyway check it out. No, not just the bathroom. The whole Blue Z Coffee House. Go to: Thursday is "Open Mike Night," the American version of Japanese Karaoke. I'll spare you my singing :) Hum...perhaps Mitchell should bring his violin.

So after drying off in the Blue Z, the rain stopped and we stepped next door to "McGeorgi's Antiques & Consignment." It is a bit overwhelming because there is a lot of treasure everywhere. I mean...everywhere. Ceiling, floor, walls. It's like taking a time machine and traveling through time. Anyway, I am addicted to light fixtures and I found a beautiful Federal style (brass) ceiling light. Just gorgeous! I put ten dollars down to hold it and picked it up today. No hassle and one can haggle a little. No fancy over the top prices you may find in other Antique/consignment shops in Connecticut. ;) Very fair and friendly.

Let's see if I can add photos folks. :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Leggo my logo! Aspergers, logos and blogs, oh my.

"Stop fighting over the logos! Share the logos with your brother! Take turns. You can watch a logo, and then your brother can watch a logo (on youtube)." Did I just say that? I wander to my husband's room (where he goes when I kick him out of bed for snoring). He's building another computer. Like five computers in one house isn't enough. "Ian, why are the boys obsessed with watching logos on youtube (PBS, Disney, Paramount, to name a few)?" My husband, continues to build the computer. Then I think about my question as I watch him slot in a video card. He's a computer gamer. His own machine is bizzare, huge with many video cards and water hoses in it. Yes, water running through hoses with pumps and radiators. "Hum...right. Ok..." I answered my own question.

It's all in the family. Asperger's that is. I have three wonderful boys. My husband, Ian. Mitchell, 13 years old and Mason, who is four. Ian, as I pointed out, has a hobby building computers. Mitchell and Mason seem to bond or fight over the small time I allow on youtube (monitored by me). I'm not sure why M&m love to watch logos. Mitchell even wrote a symphony with different logos. Mason is obsessed with the arch over the Disney logo. He loves to study the thick Disney book my father gave him. He turns to the page with the castle and then he proceeds to take his hand and drawn a arch over the castle in the book.

Yes, they could go to different computers, but Mason doesn't have a computer in his room. He's four. I have built a baby gate wall in front of Mitchell's room, but he scales the wall. Mason, has taken our laptop apart twice. And ate the "alt" keys and part of the space bar. I have given up, thrown in the towel, hoisted the little white flag in complete surrender. The computer my husband , Ian was working on today is for Mason. He assures me that Mason (who, four) will not be able to login without a password.

Did I mention, he took apart the laptop twice...and he's FOUR! Mitchell did the same thing when he was that age. :P

Well, it could be worse they could be obsessed with Pottery Barn, and the garden center at the Home Depot. Thank God they don't take after their mother. Then again, I have a blog now. Hum... Yes, it's all in the family. ;P