Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ok...I have died and gone to heaven. Someone pinch me already.

Two of my favorite things on earth are right next to one another in Newtown, CT. One is my new favorite place to find treasures called, "McGeorgi's Antiques & Consignments." And the place next door is, "The Blue Z Coffeehouse." OMG! This is not your run of the mill Starbucks. This is damn good Latte with a SoNo feel. But let me back up a little here.

My son Mitchell, is in the Pegasus program (theraputic horseback riding), and every Thursday (in the summer months) he helps out at a farm in Newtown, CT. Well, this Thursday we had quite a downpour. I decided to pull over (due to the non-visual from the buckets of rain). Anyway, the eagle landed in front of 127 S. Main Street in Newtown, CT.

Mitchell and I ran from our car and duck duck goosed into "The Blue Z Coffee House." What a charming place. We were greeted with the soft strum of a guitar and a pleasant, "Hello." The walls are a warm color with a gallery hanging from a fabulous artist. I ordered a Latte, which I dressed up with a little sugar and cinnamon from the generous coffee bar. Mitchell ordered the most wonderful carrot cake, which resembled a woopie pie (two pieces of moist carrot cake with cream chese in the middle). I had to arm restle him for a bite. It was so good, that I debated a, "Quick Mitchell, what's that?! Then a quick shove of the carrot cake in my mouth." No...I gave it back.

When Mitchell got up to check out the bathroom, I checked out the cool funky jewelry. When Mitchell returned, he informed me that the bathroom was "very nice. loads of magazines and art." Alright...a nice bathroom, is a good sign. Anyway check it out. No, not just the bathroom. The whole Blue Z Coffee House. Go to: Thursday is "Open Mike Night," the American version of Japanese Karaoke. I'll spare you my singing :) Hum...perhaps Mitchell should bring his violin.

So after drying off in the Blue Z, the rain stopped and we stepped next door to "McGeorgi's Antiques & Consignment." It is a bit overwhelming because there is a lot of treasure everywhere. I mean...everywhere. Ceiling, floor, walls. It's like taking a time machine and traveling through time. Anyway, I am addicted to light fixtures and I found a beautiful Federal style (brass) ceiling light. Just gorgeous! I put ten dollars down to hold it and picked it up today. No hassle and one can haggle a little. No fancy over the top prices you may find in other Antique/consignment shops in Connecticut. ;) Very fair and friendly.

Let's see if I can add photos folks. :)